Estate planning, business, and agricultural law, Manhattan, Kansas

Practices areas

Wills and Trusts

Water Law

Renewable Energy and Transmission

Agricultural Law


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Estate planning, business, and agricultural law Lawyer

About Wendee Grady Law Office, LLC

With 19 years of experience in private law practice, at a state agency, and with an agricultural trade organization, Wendee has returned to private practice and is positioned to help her clients with their estate planning and general agricultural law needs. Wendee is ready to represent individuals and families with their estate planning, business, and farm transition needs. She is also pleased to provide services to farmers and ranchers on water law issues like purchase and lease transactions involving water rights, as well as representing water right holders in matters before the Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources. Finally, Wendee serves landowners in review and negotiation of renewable energy leases and transmission easements, as well as represents and advocates for clients before regulatory bodies.